Access Services Librarian
John Raymond
(518) 783-2522
Interlibrary Loan
Sarah Symans
(518) 783-2518
Circulation Desk
(518) 782-6717
The library is fine-free! This means there are no overdue fines for materials returned late. Materials that are overdue in excess of 30 days will be automatically declared lost and a replacement bill will be assigned to your library account. Unresolved losses may affect your library privileges.
The Standish Library Interlibrary Loan Department provides interlibrary loan services for the Siena College academic community. This includes current students, faculty, administrators, staff, and emeritus faculty.
The Siena community may also request materials within the collections of SUNY libraries. SUNY Resource Sharing materials can be found by searching Saint Search and using the drop down on the right side of the search box on the results page to select “SUNY Resource Sharing”.
ILL is intended for personal, educational use by a single user. Materials obtained via ILL cannot be used for faculty reserves, class materials, or otherwise copied or distributed. If you are a faculty member interested in placing materials on library reserve and/or requesting a purchase, please follow the supplied links.
Do you need a book chapter scanned from a book in the stacks?
Do you need a copy of an article from the bound or current periodicals?
Let us know what you need by submitting an Interlibrary Loan request. Library staff will pull the material from the shelf, scan the requested pages, and deliver the PDF with an email notification, typically within 48 hours.
The Direct Access Program (DAP) is a voluntary arrangement by which area libraries provide their patrons with "direct access" to the collections of other libraries in the Capital District Library Council (CDLC). The program is designed to facilitate research beyond the usual resource-sharing guidelines of CDLC. The cooperation of users determines the success of this program because libraries are not obligated to honor a DAP card if the borrower does not observe the regulations of the LENDING library. Visit the CDLC Website for a list of participating libraries.