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Library Instruction & Information Literacy

Library Instruction

The primary purpose of the Standish Library's instruction program is to foster and develop Siena students' information literacy skills; specifically the ability to identify, locate. effectively evaluate, and use needed information. These are essential skills needed to succeed academically, but are also necessary for the development of lifelong learning.  Library instruction sessions are tailored to fir the class. What is covered for a disciplinary course is different than what is covered in a session for the First Year Seminar. Sessions are also tailored for the course level.  Library faculty work with the classroom faculty to determine the learning goals of specific sessions.

The  Essentials of Library Instruction

  1. The calendar fills up quickly. Schedule library instruction sessions early.
  2. Timing is everything! While scheduling early is good, sometimes having a session very early in the semester isn’t always best. If your research assignment isn’t given until mid-semester, mid-semester is a great time to have a library instruction session.
  3. Classes are more effective when given in conjunction with a research assignment. Students are more likely to be motivated to learn about information resources when they know they are required to use them in a research assignment.
  4. The research assignment does not have to be a paper. It could be a speech, a multimedia presentation, an annotated bibliography, or some other formal evaluation of information sources.
  5. One size does not fit all. Library instruction sessions are tailored to fit the class. What is covered for a disciplinary course is different than what is covered in a session for the First Year Seminar. And the focus may change with the discipline. Also, within the same discipline, sessions may be tailored for introductory or advanced classes.
  6. Siena’s librarians like to occasionally leave the library. When appropriate, we will gladly come to your classroom.

To schedule library instruction sessions for your courses please fill out the Instruction Request form.

Topics We Often Cover

  • Creating a research strategy (and how to revise it)
  • Identifying and effectively using the best databases for a particular discipline
  • How to effectively use Saint Search, the Library's discover tool
  • Determining an author's credentials
  • What makes a journal (or a book, or a website) scholarly
  • How to use ILLiad (interlibrary loan), and SUNY Resource Sharing
  • How to determine if the library has access to a specific journal
  • How to locate statistical and demographic information
  • How to locate historical primary sources
  • Citation management using Zotero