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FYS: Global Education and Migration: News Sources Available at Standish Library

This guide is intended to help those in the first year seminar with the internationalization and global education theme.

What makes a source reputable?

Transparency is a major factor! 

--checks facts, and if errors are made, corrects them and publicizes the changes

--uses reputable sources (people, documentation) and verifies those sources

--presents headlines which accurately represent the article content; headlines don't play on readers' emotions

--clearly identifies authors of articles with bylines

--produces its own content; doesn't merely aggregate content from other sources

--clearly identifies content types (e.g. report vs. editorial)

--conducts reporting not just editorializing

Content pulled (with some adaptions) from UC Merced Library.


Access The New York Times!

Sign up for access to The New York Times site

(you must use your Siena email address to register).

Access the Wall Street Journal!



Sign up for access to The Wall Street Journal site.

(You must use your Siena email to register)



Newbank--newspapers from around the world to your hometown!


This database contains news sources from around the world. If your topic is regional or local, consider limiting your results to publications coming from that area.



Saint Search

Access other news titles on Flipter!


Titles include: The Atlantic, Bloomberg Businessweek, National Review, The New Yorker, and Time (and others)

Print News Magazines Sources available at Standish

Media-Bias Chart from Ad Fontes Media


Click the chart to go to their interactive chart.